Forms Overview
Forms are where all of your forms live and where you can manage form responses. Each form will have settings, fields, and responses to the form.
Accessing Forms
From the Menu, click on FORMS.
Form Bar
Each form has a Form Bar.
To edit settings click SETTINGS.
To edit form fields click FIELDS.
To edit responses click RESPONSES.
To remove form click REMOVE. This will delete the form permanently.
Form Settings
Form Name
This is the internal name for your form.
Send Email
Turn send email to YES if you want the form data to be emailed to you when the form is submitted.
Email Recipients
Add the email address for which you want the form data to be sent. Separate email addresses with a comma.
Required Indicator
You can require elements in your form to be completed. Required fields will be identified by this indicator. The indicator is set an asterisk by default.
Default Label Type
Labels appear outside the form field.
Prompts appear inside the form field.
Select the option you prefer.
Show Submit Button
Turn on if you want to see the submit button. If off, the enter key will submit the form.
Show Reset Button
Turn on if you want to see the submit button. If off, the enter key will submit the form.
Use Captcha
Captcha will require the user to answer a question before posting a comment. This is used to distinguish the commenter is a human and not a robot. To enable captcha set the switch to YES, to disable switch to NO.
After Submit
Select a from submission past action, choose to Display a Message or Redirect to Page.
Enter a message to display after the form is submitted.
Redirect to Page
Select a page or enter in a url.
Form Fields
Create contact forms, surveys and more with forms. Add form and content elements and set values for form elements.
To add form components drag them into the page. Each element as a required option, a label and values.
Turn the toggle on to make a component required.
Double-click the label name to change the name of the label.
Set Values
To set the component values click on set values. Each component has unique values.
To remove the component click on remove.
You can also style your form fields in Site Styles.
Blank Form Field Types
Short Text
Short text is for short form fields. In the value settings you can set the field type to, text, email, phone, date, url.
Long Text
Long text is for longer form fields. In the value settings you can set the field type to, text, email, phone, date, url.
Text Block
A text block is for open text fields where reponses can can be added into the box. A text block should be used for a message or response to a questions. Additionally, you can set values on the block.
Short Select
A short select is a single choice selector with up to four options. The option names are defined in set values. A short select should be used to when a single response is required from a user. For example: Preferred contact method (choose one): phone, email, text. In a short select the user can only choose one of the three options.
Short Multi-select
A short multi-select is a multiple choice selector with up to four options and any number. The option names are defined in set values.
A multi-select should be used when more than one response is needed from a user. For example: Preferred contact methods (choose any that apply): phone, email, text. In a short select the user can only choose one or all of the three options.
Long Select
A long select is a single choice pulldown menu with unlimited values. The option names are defined in set values. Add each value separated by a comma. For example: “phone, email, text”
A long select should be used when a single response is required from a user. For example: Preferred contact methods (select one): phone, email, text. In a long select the user can only choose one of all of the three options.
Long Multi-select
A long multi-select is a multiple choice pulldown menu with unlimited values. The option names are defined in set values. Add each value separated by a comma. For example: “phone, email, text”
A long multi-select should be used when more than one response is needed from a user. For example: Preferred contact methods (choose any that apply): phone, email, text. In a long select the user can only choose one or all of the three options.
Static Form Field Types
A headline can be added within the form. Click set values to add the name of the headline and apply an optional CSS Class.
A line can be added within the form. Click set values to apply an optional CSS Class.
Static Text
A static text box can be added within the form. Click set values to add the text and apply an optional CSS Class.
Form Replies/Responses
To view or edit responses click on RESPONSES on the Form Bar.
All responses for the form will appear here.
Click SHOW, to view details of a response.
Click REMOVE, to view remove a response.
Form Replies/Response Email
The form response message logged in Made Daily will be the same info sent by email.
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